We all know Brooklyn as one of the iconic five boroughs of New York City and a coextensive area with Kings County. Its cross-cultural acceptance, captivating music, delicious food, Coney Island, the Brooklyn Bridge, and Prospect Park are some of the primary highlights known globally. Located on the western end of Long Island with a sharing border with the borough of Queens, Brooklyn got its name from Breukelen, a Dutch village.
But, do you know how Brooklyn started or what other historical moments are in its name?
Well, you will know the significant things by the end of this post; stay tuned and keep reading for intriguing info about Brooklyn.
18th- 19th century (Industrial growth)
The first mention of Brooklyn should be about the American army conferring on Brooklyn Heights in 1776 after the American Revolutionary War Battle of Long Island. Thereafter, things related to several years later in the 19th century, when Brooklyn Heights got the limelight as the residential place for wealthy communities. Williamsburg and Bushwick were incorporated into Brooklyn in 1855.
It was during this tenure only that Brooklyn emerged to be the most prominent manufacturing hub in the country. It had even surpassed Manhattan’s business meanwhile. Though sugar was the most rewarding industry, the production of iron, clocks, beers, cigars, coffees, soft toys and electrical wires was also soaring high in Brooklyn. Petroleum plants, slaughterhouses, and several other factories also had their booming share.
18th- 19th century (Infrastructural growth)
Gradually, Brooklyn welcomed music culture, and having its Academy of Music was a proud moment from the late 1850s. Even architectural talent came to the surface around 1860. The meticulous designers of Central Park in Manhattan namely, Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux laid down parkways for Brooklyn; it invited abundant attention from everyone in the United States. Later, the Grand Army Plaza with John H. Duncan Memorial Arch fetched inexplicably added more charms to Brooklyn.
The Tussle Between Independent and Dependent Identity
All such feats and marvels began losing their shine when other constructions took place making other spots more convenient for trading instead of Brooklyn. The John Roebling and Washington Roebling Bridge made Manhattan a suitable region for production and business; it affected Brooklyn adversely and risked its independent identity.
However, the devoted community of Brooklyn hustled for its autonomous status by playing mattering Leagues. Things did not work in favour, and Brooklyn struggled to gain the whopping demand for its production. Its manufacturing units and economic situations fell apart and suffered till the 1990s.
Around 21st Century
The people of Brooklyn, its neighbors, and time played their role where we all know the current laurels of Brooklyn. Its sumptuous food, restaurants, bars, and coffeehouses are popular worldwide. The talented youth is stepping up with adept venture ideas, promising art skills, and even unparalleled technological know-how. All these industries have together improved the employment rate in Brooklyn.
Even the law and order are in exceptional places with qualified lawyers. You can visit Brooklyn Injury Attorneys, P.C. for legal advice at zero cost.